Thursday, 23 June 2011

Hot Shots Documentary Team

We  have  been learning to  take  photos  of  people  taking  films  and  videos.  we  have   also  been  learning  how  to  take  birds  &  worms  eye  views  &  over  the  shoulder  views.   We  use  Tripods  to help  us  keep  the camera steady.We started off as the documentary team but then we changed into the Hotshots!

Dancing Meerkats

After we finished our film festival movie we wanted to make our own movie. We did a dance and pretended we were Meerkats.

Lolita: I learnt how to do stop motion movies by taking little steps at a time.
Kayla: I learnt that it took lots of practice to get really good at stop motion movies. I liked looking for the music.
Charlotte:I learnt that things take time and you need to take lots of photos. Things need to be done step by step.
Dania: I learnt that you don't move big movements or it will look weird and don't move the camera.

Killer Kans.

I have loved working with my friends and other people in the film festavle to make a movie it has been sooo fun. Also in the kids can film festaval I have learnt deaper into green screen, how to set up films and I've learnt how to work well with other people but don't forget to have fun and I hope I get picked next year.

Killer Kans

I have had soo much fun working at the film festival. I loved learning about how to use green screen and how to use different camera angles to show dimension. I enjoyed meeting different students and as a mentor, leading my team in many ways. I would like to thank Tahuna school for hosting this awesome event, and to all the teachers for all of your help and support and giving up your time to come. You Rock!!!!!!

Seth @ Film Fest

Kids can film festival is the coolest thing ever.It is so fun. My team is the funky Monkeys  our film is about brussel sprouts. We didn't do any green screening but we used animating techniques. We took lots of pictures with plastercine and  slowly moved it round the plate we had.

Aimee @ Kids Can

It was really cool here I had alot of fun, made new friends and learnt alot more than i knew about making movies. Our group (Funky Monkey's)  made a movie about how we could change brussel sprouts into something we like to eat. I hope I can come back next year and have more fun! :D

Jason @ Film Fest

It was really awesome! I liked the milo and I also made new friends. We made a  movie about how we could change brussel sprouts into something we like to eat.  I hope I can come back next year.

Fart Film Stop Motion

After we made our movie for the film festival we had the chance to use what we learnt to make our own movies. We were sitting around making nosies and then Mr Power said make a movie about sounds. We got together and made a movie about farting.

Tom: We went on Photobooth and took about 42 pictures. After each picture we moved a little bit and kept on taking small steps and taking more photos. It was like we were moving in slow motion.
Billy: We went to Garageband and we recorded our voices. We made farting noises. We made three different farting sounds. We used them in our film.
Kahu: We put the farting noises under each clip and adjusted the timing to 0.2 seconds per photo. We then made a title for the beginning and credits fro the the end.

The Flaming Flying Footprints

Reuben found out that filming can be very embarrassing at times which you will find out watching it at the premiere on Saturday the 2nd of July. Brodie found out that working in a group is not always easy when everyone has different ideas and views of what they want also people always coming and interrupting them which was very distracting but he loved the acting side of the movie making and wants to do more of it in the future. Jack learn that green screening is very complicated especially when you have to make it so that there is a moving background he enjoyed acting as a caveman.


At the 2011 Kids Can Film Festival the mentors were chosen from the year 8's who attended last year's Film Fesival. We were picked so that we could share our skillls with the students who are making a one to two minute movie.

First we met our groups and helped them make stickers that identified them. Then we played the game of "dead ants"and helped the juniors play. We then attended a course about story boarding and learned a lot. Then we went back to our groups and shared what we had learned about how to put together a storyboard. Then we discussedideas about what thier movie is about.

When we started filming we made sure that the kids took turns, the story board was followed, and that the movie was able to be finished in the three day time frame.

Then when we edited we ensured that we the story board was still followed and that we checked with our teaher and group before we changed anything. 

On the open day we were expected to welcome the visitors and explain the planning, ideas, filming, and editing.

We will introduce our film a one to two minute speech explaining our ideas process and outcome of our groups movie on Saturday 2nd July at the Film Festival Premiere.

day 3 of kids can film festival

This is day 3 and the groups are nearly finished their movies! The documentary group has been really busy, we are getting in partners and going around taking photos, making little movies, and doing voicethread and taking photos. On voicethread we are taking one person from each group, taking a photo of them on photobooth, and asking them a question. We have already done one question, "what does change mean to your group? explain your movie." We are taking turns for different parts of voice thread and photos. There is the runner, photo taker, voicethreader and the other two do a blog. I have done the blogging and after morning tea I will be doing photo taking. We have just come back from taking photos of groups. This is really fun and I can't wait to see all the movies.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Day 2

Today we have been starting producing our movies. It has been  really interesting for our group. We have been taking photos and videos of the groups busy making their movies. We made an animation of us changing from being students to movie makers. We have been taking people from other groups and taking funny photos of them and doing Voicethread. It is really fun and hard work making a movie. We can't wait to see them all!

Create your own video slideshow at

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Emotive Photography

The junior students were learning about how pictures can make you feel.  Colours make you feel different every time because some are in black & white,sometimes they can make you feel sad and lonely. Bright colours and pictures make you feel super awesome.  They were also learning about camera angles.   We can't wait to see their movies!

Create your own video slideshow at

Green Screening At Kids Cannes Film Festival

At green screening we learnt how to make great movies, slideshows and photos with green screens. We learnt that most movies use green screens and if you wear something green then the background will show on your clothing. We watched some movies about green screening, then we went outside with a green screen.We experimented and did some silly poses and took photos. The movies will be great.

Create your own video slideshow at


This is a report about THE KIDS CAN FILM FESTIVAL.  Today we are talking about music and sounds.  The students went to a workshop about music and sounds.  Music and sounds is part of a movie, and once you've shot the movie you then add the music and sound effects.  They were using an application called Garageband, photo booth and iMovie.  All these different ways are little parts and it is important to focus on what you are doing.  The learning was great we learnt so much. Thanks.